Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A recluse comes out of hiding

So. . . was Santa good to you? He stopped briefly at my home, left a few mostly token gifts, and left. Sorry, Rudolph and your reindeer buddies, I know your sleigh wasn't much lighter after it left the Pedde household, but that is the way I like it. Christmas isn't, or shouldn't be, about a lot of stuff. I don't measure Christmas cheer by the pound or by the kilogram.

Christmas is a time of sharing. For me, it is a time of sharing my time. For someone as reclusive and borderline misanthropic as I am, it is a really big deal to interact with others face-to-face. My wife and son and I visited my brother and his family on Christmas Eve, had company over to our home on Christmas day, and are welcoming a friend from California today. My son has impressed my wife and me with his grace and good manners while we entertained. I wonder if he is angling for something?

I haven't done much blogging or reading of blogs in recent days, but plan to catch up next week. What have I been doing with my time? Unpacking. We moved at the end of August, but we still can't drive our cars into our garage. We're still stumbling over unpacked boxes at home and more unpacked boxes are warehoused, awaiting our attention. We are determined that by early in the new year we will be able to say that we are 'mostly' unpacked.

I wonder what 2007 will bring? I guess I'll find out soon enough. 2006 was certainly a year of many changes for me, mostly good. Can this curmudgeonly old relic stand all the excitement? Stay tuned!


  1. Good to see a few lines from you. Had a blessed holiday time myself, some details of which actually got on my blog. Have a great and prosperous new year!

  2. Yeah, I got some nice gifts this year. Not a lot, but the things I wanted, so I'm happy. =)

  3. lol! I am as reclusive as I am extroverted - a strange dichotomy, but it's true. I can be gregarious when I want to be, but mostly, and probably due to my own 'borderline misanthropic' personality, I am just fine on my own. lol

    I am happy to hear that you had a good Christmas, Atavist!

    I hope the new year brings you great wealth in all areas of your life.

  4. Trooper..., nice to hear from you. I got to spend some fun time with my family and that is exactly what I wanted.

    Galt: I enjoyed your post. The personal posts like that one are the ones I like best, where we all learn about how we deal with the 'vagaries of life' and get valuable insights.

    Penny: Ditto to you. 2007 will be a good year for us, I'm sure.
